How to Be Wise
Read Proverbs 21: 1- 8
START THINKING. Ask these questions to get your Life Group thinking.
– In the areas of life where you have experienced success, what was the key?
– If you were to speak at a High School graduation, what advice would you give the graduates?
START TALKING. Ask these questions to get your LifeGroup talking.
– What is the main point of the story of the tortoise and the hare?
How would you define “diligence?” and what part does it play in success?
– What is the significance of the following statement: “We overestimate what we can do in 1 year and underestimate what we can do in 5 years?”
There were seven actions listed on Sunday that are keys to success from the book of Proverbs:
1. Spell Out Goals…in Pencil
2. Get Wise Counsel
3. Prioritize- Put First Things First
4. Finish What You Start
5. Stop Look and Listen
6. Work Hard but Not Too Hard
7. Do it for God’s Glory
Of these 7 actions, with number 7 being first and foremost, which other one would you say is most significant and why? Why is #7 “Do it for God’s Glory” first and foremost among these actions? Do these 7 actions, if done well, guarantee success?
Read the following Proverbs one at a time and tell how they relate to one or more of the success actions: Proverbs 21:2, Proverbs 21:5, Proverbs 14:7, Proverbs 24:27, Proverbs 28:20, Proverbs 23:4-5
START SHARING. Ask these questions to get your LifeGroup sharing.
Read Proverbs 1:20-33
– Which of the 7 actions for success is a strong point for you that seems to come naturally?
– Which one is a weak area that needs attention?
– How can we be sure that our actions are being done for the glory of God and not for our own image or benefit?
Father, I want to thank you for your word and for the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. Help me not to simply use these truths as a formula for a better life here and now but help me see that they can lead me to a life that gives you glory and lights the pathway for those around me who see the joy you give so they will seek you and find you in saving faith as well.
Pastor Matt Surber unpacks the spiritual component to being liked, having friends, and presenting ourselves in a way that reflects the gospel.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber reminds us that our speech, as Christians, should always reflect the gospel and point others towards Christ.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber looks to the wisdom found in Proverbs for how we can practice generosity and become financially free by entrusting God with our finances.
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