LifeGroups at Misson City

Life is Better Together

LifeGroups provide opportunities for shared journeys.


Find a LifeGroup

Start at the Next Steps area on Sunday.

Live in a Lifegroup

Be on the team, participate and share.

Serve as a Lifegroup

Be a serving community, to the community.


“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Acts 2:46-47

Live in a LifeGroup

At Mission City Church, our mission statement is to engage people where they are with the gospel of Jesus Christ and lead them into lives of transformation. Whether you are meeting at a home or in a coffee shop, the goal of LifeGroups is transformation through biblical community. LifeGroups allow us to create and foster connection, relationships, and discipleship opportunities with those in our own community.

LifeGroups provide opportunities for shared journeys.

Find a LifeGroup

LifeGroups are done in a variety of ways between campuses, so to find the right LifeGroup is at the Next Steps area on Sunday.

Serve as a Lifegroup

LifeGroup Service

A LifeGroup that SERVES together, stays together. Be socially serving and caring for one another, in the church and to the community as Christ’s church; hands and feet. Where can you serve?


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