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Recent Campus Sermons


Sodom and Gomorrah // Genesis: Unfiltered

Matt Carter continues a series through the book of Genesis. From the very beginning, God has had a plan and design for everything. But through our sin, we keep straying from that design. In Genesis 18, we see what happens to a society that grows further and further from God and His design.

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Sodom and Gomorrah // Genesis: Unfiltered

Paul Stohler continues a series through the book of Genesis. From the very beginning, God has had a plan and design for everything. But through our sin, we keep straying from that design. In Genesis 18, we see what happens to a society that grows further and further from God and His design.

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Sodom and Gomorrah // Genesis: Unfiltered

Pastor Matt Surber continues a series through the book of Genesis. From the very beginning, God has had a plan and design for everything. But through our sin, we keep straying from that design. In Genesis 18, we see what happens to a society that grows further and further from God and His design.

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Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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