A Transformed Life

Series - Mission City
Presenter - Donnie Anthony - Missions & Connections Pastor
Date - July 4, 2021

Missions & Connections Pastor Donnie Anthony unpacks what it looks like to live a life of transformation and to walk in the freedom of Jesus Christ.

Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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