Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Series - Mission City
Scriptures - John 2:1-11
Presenter - Paul Stohler - Teaching Team
Date - September 1, 2024

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.


Sermon Notes

  1. Jesus begins His ministry at a wedding. 
  2. Jesus begins His ministry with a very particular kind of water
  3. Jesus turns the water into a very significant kind of wine

This sign is first because it’s a banner over Jesus ministry. 

Jesus turns the water of ceremonial cleansing into the wine of Kingdom Celebration

Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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Why Water Into Wine? // Mission City Church

Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.

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Living with a Sense of Urgency // Mission City Church

Daniel Cuyler closes out the year with a message refocusing our attention as we go into 2024.

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