Missions are the very heart of our God.
If we are really going to understand the heart of God we need to start with an understanding of the basic character of God.
1. Missions Flows from the Character of God
Two basic characteristics of God that we see clearly in the bible:
1. God is a loving God
2. God is a just God
Read 1 John 4:8
– God’s love for us is a perfect, unconditional love that flows to us constantly, without fail regardless of our actions. God does not love us more or less depending on what we do.
– This is really hard for us to fathom because we tend to project on God the way we love- conditionally.
– The only way we can truly love as God loves is to allow Him to come and live in us.
Read Exodus 34:7
– God is holy and righteous and just and therefore can never just overlook our sins because He loves us.
– God loves us but he must be true to His own character.
These two attributes are the basic attributes of God- love and justice. But, there is another characteristic that is equally important.
Romans 5:8″ but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
We know from John 3:16 that God revealed His love for us in a tangible way by sending His Son to earth to take on the form of a man, to live a sinless life, and give himself as a ransom to pay the penalty for our sins. This is the Gospel. So God is all about revealing Himself to us.
That is the purpose of the bible. It’s not just a list of dos and don’ts it is God’s way of revealing Himself to us. Being involved in missions is not spreading religion throughout the world. Our true mission efforts happen when we join God in His plan to reveal His love to every tribe and every tongue and every people.
2. God’s Heart Has Always Been for All People
From the first book of the bible, we see missions.
ABRAHAM- When God came to Abraham to make a covenant with him.
Read Genesis 12:1-3
God was establishing the nation of Israel so that all the peoples of the earth would see His glory. This is Old Testament Missions.
PHAROAH- When God brought the Israelites out of the bondage of Egyptian slavery He did it to display His glory to the nations.
THE PASSOVER- In Exodus 12:48-49 when the Passover was instituted there was a provision for foreigners to observe the Passover as well.
THE PSALMS- In the most famous of the Old Testament blessings we see God’s missionary heart.
Read Psalm 67:1-5
JONAH- Why did he end up in the belly of a whale? Because he refused to go on a mission trip!
3. God Has Chosen to Reach the World Through Us
– Could have been any method in God’s imagination-could have used a worldwide vision in the heavens telling His story.
4. You Don’t Need to Know More to Begin to Be on Mission
Read Matthew 28:19-20 // The Great Commission
This is a command to all of us who are followers of Jesus.
Read Acts 1:8
– We don’t have to share the gospel in our own strength. Both of these passages emphasize that it’s God’s power flowing through us that will change the world. We have no power to make anyone believe anything.
5. The Time to Launch Out On Mission is Now
Read 2 Corinthians 6:2
So, if you now see that your purpose on earth is to be on mission. Where do you start? You start right where you are and then move out from there.
Read Acts 1:8
It starts at home with your immediate family, then moves out to your extended family, then extends to your closest friends, then to your coworkers/acquaintances, then to our state, our nation, and the world.
Here are the enemies of being on mission:
– Busyness
– Fear
– Apathy
– Lack of Understanding
– We will never fulfill our purpose for being on the planet until we join God in His Mission to make His name famous.
– We don’t have to be a theologian to tell others of the night and day difference God has made in our life
– This world is not our home so we must set aside our endless pursuit of stuff and dedicate our lives to being an ambassador for Christ to represent my real home in heaven.
– We surrender our time, our talent, and our treasure to Him today so He can use me for His kingdom’s sake
– Obey Promptly the missional urges of the Holy Spirit
Visit our mission wall. Pick up a card and personally involve your family in missions. Don’t wait for the church to plan something
– Ask your Life Group to adopt a mission and pour your lives and resources into some struggling mission
– Go to our church website www.missioncity.church , click on missions, and see what’s available for you to plug into.
– Open your mouth this week and tell someone what Jesus means to you
Pastor Matt Surber studies Revelation 12 and reminds us that the spiritual battle that is being waged today in the world is a battle that’s already been won by God.
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Read More /Pastor Matt Surber discusses Revelation 6 and 7 and reminds us that Revelation is written to encourage suffering Christians, call us to radical holiness, and give us hope to endure to the end!
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