We’ve been changed by the radical love of Jesus—saved, redeemed, and given new life. But here’s the question: What are we doing with it? When something transforms us, we can’t help but share it. Just like finding an incredible restaurant or watching an amazing game, we naturally tell others about what moves us.
This week, we’re diving into what it means to share the life-changing love of Christ. From the lepers in 2 Kings 7 who stumbled upon salvation and knew they couldn’t keep it to themselves, to Paul’s declaration that the love of Christ compels us—God’s love isn’t meant to be hoarded. It’s meant to be shared.
If we truly believe the gospel is good news, why would we keep it to ourselves? What’s stopping us from sharing the greatest gift we’ve ever received? Let’s talk about how Radical Love pushes us beyond comfort, beyond fear, and into the lives of others—so they, too, can know the hope we’ve found in Jesus.
Read More /This week, we explore how radical love is shown through serving others. In John 4:3-42, Jesus crosses barriers to meet a Samaritan woman, showing how love meets needs and points others to truth.Read More /
What does it truly mean to love like Jesus? This week, we explore the challenge of Radical Love—putting others over ourselves, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. From loving our enemies to embracing those who are hard to like, Jesus calls us to a love that goes beyond preferences and personal comfort. Join us as we unpack what it means to live in the light of Christ and reflect His heart to the world.
Read More /Are we defined by our politics, failures, or judgment? Or are we known by the love Jesus commanded? In this powerful first week of the “Radical Love” series, we explore what it means to love like Jesus—through action, sacrifice, and grace.
This message isn’t just a challenge for the church but an invitation to live a transformed life. Are you ready to embrace Radical Love in your relationships, community, and faith journey?
Read More /Alex Armstrong teaches on starting off the new year and setting new resolutions.
Read More /Paul Stohler, of Mission City Church in San Antonio, TX, shares a message to close out the year.
Read More /What do you do when life doesn’t go as planned? When job loss, health issues, or broken dreams leave you feeling like God let you down? Disappointment can shake your faith, but the story of Christmas reminds us of a profound truth: God’s purpose often unfolds through disrupted plans.
Mary and Joseph had their future mapped out, only for God to interrupt with a calling that brought chaos, pain, and fear. Yet, in the middle of their disappointment, God was working a greater plan—one that would save the world.
You don’t have to understand God’s plan to trust that He has a purpose. Your disappointment might just be a divine appointment. Even when life feels like chaos, God’s love and perfect purpose remain steadfast. Trust Him—He’s working in ways you can’t see
Read More /Waiting is one of life’s hardest challenges, especially when it feels like God is silent. Whether you’re praying for healing, financial relief, or a breakthrough, it’s easy to wonder if God cares or if He’s even there. But God’s silence doesn’t mean His absence. His delays aren’t His denials, and while you’re waiting, He’s working—often in ways you can’t see. Before God works for you, He’s working in you, building trust, patience, and a deeper reliance on Him.
At just the right time, God sent Jesus to save the world, reminding us that His timing is always perfect. If you’re struggling in a season of waiting, take heart: God hasn’t forgotten you. He loves you, and He’s working all things together for your good. What if the God you’re waiting for is waiting for you?
Read More /Know someone difficult to love? In 2024, it feels like there are even more challenging relationships to navigate—whether it’s due to the holiday season, political divides, or just the stresses of life.
In Week 2 of Missing Peace, we tackle the reality of relational tension and the perpetual offense culture we live in today. Paul’s teaching in Romans 12 reminds us to:
•Bless those who persecute us—not just once, but continually.
•Choose love over being right—because Jesus didn’t call us to win arguments; He called us to win hearts.
•Live at peace with everyone, as far as it depends on us—a radical, countercultural approach to relationships.
We’ll unpack how being offended is inevitable, but living offended is a choice. Through God’s mercy, we can rise above petty arguments and relational tensions by making the decision to “pass over” offenses and protect what truly matters—our relationships.
Read More /What would you wish for if you could have anything this Christmas? Money? Happiness? A perfect relationship? While these are common desires, what many of us truly long for—often without realizing it—is peace. Yet, peace can feel impossible in a world filled with tension, anxiety, and challenges.
In the first message of our new Christmas series, Missing Peace, we dive into the powerful promise of Isaiah 26:3, which speaks of “perfect peace” for those whose minds are steadfast and fixed on God. But what does “perfect peace” look like in real life, especially in the middle of storms, struggles, and uncertainty?
Join us as we discover:
•Peace isn’t found in the absence of problems but in the presence of God.
•How to battle for peace in our minds and focus our thoughts on God’s unfailing promises.
•The supernatural peace Jesus offers—not as the world gives, but as only He can.
Whether you’re navigating personal storms or seeking hope for 2024, this message is a reminder that true peace begins with fixing your mind and heart on the One who is peace.
Read More /As we close out the Genesis: Unfiltered series, we tackle one of the most difficult and uncomfortable chapters in the Bible: Genesis 34. This passage, marked by sin, violence, and brokenness, offers no clear heroes and doesn’t even mention God. Yet, through the story of Jacob and his family, we see the consequences of partial obedience and the heavy cost of moral failure.
In this message, we explore four key negatives in Jacob’s life—his hot-and-cold faith, moral inconsistencies, fear of the world’s opinion, and disregard for God’s call to holiness. Despite Jacob’s failures, God’s grace remains steadfast, showing us that even in our mess, God works to fulfill His promises.
Join us as we reflect on the dangers of living a life disconnected from God and discover how walking with Him leads to faith, consistency, and a life set apart for His glory.
Read More /In this week’s message from our Genesis Unfiltered series, we explore the powerful story of Jacob and Esau’s reunion after years of betrayal and estrangement. Through their journey, we uncover three biblical steps to reconciliation: approaching with humility, making restitution, and living in peace.
Reconciliation isn’t always easy, but God calls us to take responsibility for our part, restore what’s been broken, and seek peace in our relationships. Join us as we learn how Jacob’s story reflects God’s heart for restoration and points us to the ultimate reconciliation found in Jesus Christ.
Whether you’re navigating a strained relationship or seeking peace in your life, this message offers practical, faith-filled guidance for moving forward in grace and forgiveness.
Read More /Today, we dive into Genesis 32, where Jacob spends an intense night wrestling with God, an experience that transforms his life and gives us profound lessons on prayer. Discover how God’s blessings are unlocked, not through striving but through surrender, and how His greatest gift isn’t always the answer we want but His presence itself.
Read More /Today, we explore Genesis 30 to see how the gospel radically redefines our identity and frees us from harmful patterns like envy and jealousy. This passage may not seem life-changing at first glance, but it reveals critical truths about the human heart. In the lives of Rachel, Leah, Jacob, and Laban, we see envy kill intimacy and jealousy isolate, as each one struggles for personal gain. Yet, the gospel offers redemption, grounding our worth in Christ rather than in what we can achieve.
Join us as we uncover the transformative power of the gospel, which frees us from competition and comparison to live for God’s glory and the benefit of others.
Read More /We often overlook this truth about the Christian journey: God does not promise a life without hardship but assures us of His comfort through it. Through the story of Leah, we see the raw struggles of rejection and the deep longing for love. Despite her pain, Leah learns to shift her focus from human approval to a God-centered faith, finding ultimate comfort in Him. Her journey, as the mother of Judah demonstrates God’s incredible faithfulness even through affliction.
Join us as we delve into these scriptures and uncover the ways God uses our suffering for His greater purpose, offering hope and assurance that, in every season, He is working for our good.
Read More /In this message we dive into Genesis 28 to explore Jacob’s encounter with God through his vivid dream of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven. This powerful story reveals God’s faithfulness despite Jacob’s failures, emphasizing two key takeaways: God’s constant presence and provision, even in our loneliest moments, and the transformative power of true worship. Discover how this passage connects to our lives today and points to Jesus as the ultimate bridge between heaven and earth. Join us for this impactful message as we reflect on God’s promises and consider what it means to truly worship and surrender to Him.
Read More /As time goes on, we see Isaac and Rebekah with their kids Jacob and Esau. There is much to unravel as the sons seek the blessing from Isaac. But what do we learn from a family scheming against each other? What do we see about God from this? Let’s take a look together in today’s message.
Read More /Today, we explore how we can trust God through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Despite their imperfections, God’s timing and plans always unfold perfectly, even when it defies human logic. From waiting on promises to challenging cultural norms, God’s ways and reasons are beyond our understanding—but we can trust Him in every season of life. Join us as we dive into God’s faithfulness and how it points to His ultimate plan through Christ.
Read More /Finding a “soulmate”. Finding “the one”. We spend so much time on trying to find that person. Does the Bible say anything about this? Well, as we continue in Genesis, we see why your spouse is the second most important decision you will ever make.
Read More /In what may be the most famous story of Abraham – Abraham sacrificing his son, Isaac – we see an illustration of God’s test for us as we follow Him. But this test may not be exactly as it looks on the surface. There is more being asked of Abraham and we look at that today.
Read More /God always holds true to His promises. He provides when He says He will provide. We see God’s faithfulness come to fruition as Abraham and Sarah bear a son. And in the same way, God’s faithfulness reigns true today and shows us that we can Trust in Him.
Read More /Matt Carter continues a series through the book of Genesis. From the very beginning, God has had a plan and design for everything. But through our sin, we keep straying from that design. In Genesis 18, we see what happens to a society that grows further and further from God and His design.
Read More /Jesus’ first recorded miracle is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But why? Why did Jesus do this? What did it mean for Jesus to perform this miracle at this wedding? at this moment? for these people and for us? Today, we look at the story in John 2 to understand the purpose behind the miracle.
Read More /Paul Stohler continues a series through the book of Genesis. God tests Abraham and Sarah as they prepare for the promise that God has given to them. We too face these tests. As God calls us to our purpose and the promise that He has in store, we are also tested to see if we are ready for it.
Read More /Paul Stohler continues a series through the book of Genesis. In Genesis 17, God reiterates the covenant promise to Abraham and we see the benefits and results of the covenant God makes.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues a series working through the book of Genesis. As we follow the story of Abram, we come to a point in his story when Abram loses faith in God’s promise and takes matters into his own hands. Many times we find ourselves in situations where we are faithless or make faithless decisions. But we see God’s truth come through both in Abram’s story and in our own.
Read More /Paul Stohler continues a series working through the book of Genesis. We pick up our journey with Abram and see the reminder of the promise God made to him. Through everything Abram has gone through so far, God has been there to guide and protect and hold true to His promise. We too can rest assured in God’s grace upon our lives.
Read More /Cody Landers continues a series studying the book of 1 Peter. As members of the Church, we all have a role to play in ministering and serving the people around us. It’s important for us to find our giftings and serve.
Read More /Ky Faciane continues a series studying the book of 1 Peter. As the Church, it is important that we remain unified. That only happens if we have right relationships with each other. In Chapter 3 of 1 Peter, Peter gives us important things to do as we stand together as the Church.
Read More /Paul Stohler, of Mission City Church in San Antonio, TX, continues a series studying the book of 1 Peter. How much do you read your Bible? Do you long for God’s Word? In 1 Peter, we are reminded of why we need God’s Word and what our sin does to detract us from that important practice.
Read More /Paul Stohler, of Mission City Church in San Antonio, TX, begins a series studying the book of 1 Peter. In the opening statement of Peter’s letter, he lays out a commendation to the believers and reminder of who they are. Today, we look at the depth of meaning behind the opening of 1 Peter.
Read More /Nick Brandt continues a series working through the book of Genesis. Throughout Abraham’s life, God continuously blessed him and his family. But there were also times where Abraham did things his way instead of trusting in what God had for him. What do we learn from Abraham’s mistakes and faithfulness? Our response to God’s blessings.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues a series working through the book of Genesis. The greatest responsibility you have is to steward what you have been blessed with. As we continue in Genesis and in the story of Abraham, we see the lessons unfold through Abraham’s life.
Read More /Ky Faciane continues a series working through the book of Genesis. What is the greatest legacy that you can leave behind? On this Father’s Day, we look at Enoch, the man who walked with God and discuss the greatest attributes that a Father can have.
Read More /Paul Stohler continues a series working through the book of Genesis. Abraham is one of the most popular characters in the Bible. Known as Abraham, the father of many nations, how did God take a man in all of his brokenness and change his family for generations upon generations?
Read More /Ky Faciane continues a series working through the book of Genesis. When God’s people all collectively agree to achieve something, they can do great things. When they agree to work towards something for their own glory, now their priorities are mixed up. Let’s look at the story of the Tower of Babel and what it actually means to us today.
Read More /Ky Faciane continues a series working through the book of Genesis. The dynamics between God and man are complex and, as Noah and his family come off the ark, we see God enter a covenant with man. What does this mean for our relationships?
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues a series working through the book of Genesis. Noah’s Ark is about more than just a man and his boat. The story of Noah and the Ark shows us the brokenness and sin-filled world and the promise that God made to us.
Read More /Matt Carter continues a series working through the book of Genesis. Why would a loving God send good people to hell? Because He is Just. Today, we look at the aspect of God that saves each and every one of us. And while God is the one to hold us to the consequences of our sin, we see that God also shows us incredible grace as He makes a way for us to be redeemed.
Read More /Nick Brandt continues a series working through the book of Genesis. When we face arguments or disagreements, we rarely stop to think of how our reactions will impact generations to come. Join us as we look at the story of Cain and Abel and how that impacted future generations.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues a series working through the book of Genesis. There is so much brokenness in the world. And the question we all wonder is ‘Why? Where did it all go wrong?’ Today, we go on to Genesis 3 to look at where brokenness entered the world.
Read More /Ky Faciane continues a series working through the book of Genesis. The age old question of ‘Why are we here?’ or ‘What is our purpose?’ is addressed in Genesis 2. Join us as we talk through our God-created purpose.
Read More /Paul Stohler continues a series working through the book of Genesis. As we make our way to the end of Genesis 1, we see God’s plan and design outlined for us. Today, we talk about what that design is and its purpose.
Read More /Ky Faciane begins a new series working through the book of Genesis. There are a lot of differing views on creation and the origin of humanity. Today, we break down the passage to understand who God is and how things came to be.
Read More /Matt Carter finishes a series unpacking Romans 8. This is the culmination of the entirety of Chapter 8. The main point of everything Paul has been writing is summed up by these last verses giving us the assurance of our faith because of what Christ has done not only on the cross but in His resurrection.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues a series unpacking Romans 8. For many, the topic of salvation is often followed with “but what if I mess it up?” Today, we look at verses 29-30 and see the powerful guarantee and promise that God gives us in regards to our salvation.
Read More /Dave Cash continues a series unpacking Romans 8. What may be one of the most famous verse in Romans 8 may not be about what you think. Today, we look at Romans 8:28 and look to understand the true heart behind this popular and memorable verse.
Read More /Matt Carter continues a series unpacking Romans 8. We all need help. Whether we want to admit it or not, eventually we all come to the point that we need help. Today, we look at Romans 8:26-27 to understand how we receive help from God and His Spirit.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues a series unpacking Romans 8. As we all face suffering, the question is ‘how do we suffer well?’ Paul gives us an assured hope in verses 18-25 and we look through that today.
Read More /Ky Faciane continues a series unpacking Romans 8. Today, we read verses 12-17 and find the assurance of our salvation.
Read More /Dave Cash continues a series unpacking Romans 8. Today, we read verses 5-11 and see the life we have through the power of the spirit.
Read More /Nick Brandt continues a series unpacking Romans 8. Today, we read verses 3-4 and look at how we have freedom through Christ.
Read More /Ky Faciane, of Mission City Church in San Antonio, TX, begins a series unpacking Romans 8.
Read More /Matt Carter continues to walk through a series about the spiritual warfare we face every day. Today, we focus on what are the tools we have to face the enemy.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber continues to walk through a series about the spiritual warfare we face every day. Today, we focus on the strongholds that come against us and how we can fight them.
Read More /Ky Faciane walks us through a series about the spiritual warfare we face every day.
Read More /Pastor Matt Surber starts a series about the spiritual warfare we face every day.
Read More /Dave Cash closes out the year with a message refocusing our attention as we go into 2024.
Read More /Paul Stohler continues a series about Christmas and the wonder of the season.
Read More /Ryan Fontenot continues a series about Christmas and the wonder of the season.
Read More /Ky Faciane begins a series about Christmas and the wonder of the season.
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